Sticks and Stones

Do you remember the old saying heard on the playground, “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words can never hurt me?” People often throw around words like “crazy” or “psychotic” to describe those with a mental health diagnosis. The word “psychotic” is not necessarily a stigmatizing word, but people sometimes use it as an insult.

How I use my words has become very important to me now. I use words to help educate people about my mental illness, about my schizophrenia. Honestly, I can be hesitant about sharing my story with other people, but I have had help from various sources.

I have found purpose in sharing my mental health journey with the online organization called Students with Psychosis. I googled publications that publish mental health first person accounts. ADAA’s website popped up and I thought it would be perfect for my story. By putting my story out there along with other ADAA authors we are helping to bust the stigma of mental illness. I also think when people with mental health challenges read other people first person accounts they feel less alone.