Mental health activism gave me hope

Jessica says that talking, writing and campaigning about her psychosis has helped her – and others – understand the condition.

At its worst I thought that people were out to get me. Extinction Rebellion. A cult. The Masons. My co-workers. My friends. The conspiracy kept changing and evolving based on things I saw in the world around me…

I wrote a script about the experience of psychosis, which Rethink Mental Illness brought alive as a short animated film…

As well as writing about my own experiences, I run various creative community projects talking about psychosis and serious mental illness including co-founding a podcast called Reality Tourists about people’s psychotic experiences…

After a productive year of activism I was very grateful to come runner-up in the Rethink Janey Antoniou award for campaigning in 2022.

I first realised that I was experiencing mental illness when I was constantly feeling like everything I did wasn’t good enough

I first realised that I was experiencing mental illness when I was constantly feeling like everything I did wasn’t good enough.
Initially, I found it overwhelming to find support because I felt like I had to take every step to getting better at once…

I volunteer at 7 different organisations because it keeps me part of the community, gives me a sense of purpose and makes me grateful for the things that I have…

My first presentation was in Esperance and I told my story to about 300 kids over 3 talks in only one day. It was an unforgettable experience and I am so very grateful to have had that opportunity.

My Lifelong Journey with Borderline Personality Disorder

Growing up, I didn’t know I had borderline personality disorder (BPD). But I knew something was “wrong.” Throughout my childhood and young adult years, I had unstable relationships with friends and family. I was always labeled as “emotional,” and I was quick to anger…

I am majoring in psychology with the hopes of getting my PhD. I would like to become a professor and educate students about mental health conditions, hopefully creating a safe space for those struggling. I would also like to become an advocate for mental health awareness.

How walking thousands of miles is helping me and Mind

Hello, I’m James and I’m walking the coast of Britain for Mind! I set off on October 3rd, setting off from my home in North Wales to the coast at Caernarfon. I’ve kept the sea on my right for over 1400 miles, heading south along the edge of Wales and down onto the South West Coast Path…

I was excited again and driven with purpose. I believed in this walk, both as something that would be beneficial for myself and for Mind. Over 120 people have generously donated to Mind through my fundraiser, raising over £4760 so far.

I remember vividly at school in Year 5 playing on the monkey bars and thinking to myself, “I just want to live a life where I’m not nervous all the time”

I remember vividly at school in Year 5 playing on the monkey bars and thinking to myself, “I just want to live a life where I’m not nervous all the time”.

The reason I volunteer as a Community and School Presenter with the Black Dog Institute is because I have a clear objective to help as many people as I can avoid going through the struggles I have.