Healing Physical and Mental Trauma Bone by Bone: Depression, Anxiety & PTSD After the Amtrak 188 Train Crash

I was extremely lucky to be alive. I was lucky not to be paralyzed. I was lucky I didn’t have a traumatic brain injury. I was lucky to have excellent medical care and the support of my family, friends and colleagues. But months after barely surviving the Amtrak 188 train derailment in 2015, I was dealing with not just the physical repercussions of a significant traumatic event, but also the emotional ones.

I had a lot of time on my hands while recovering and being curious, I began reading and educating myself on trauma and how pain impacts, and changes, our brains. I asked questions, I paid more attention to my mental wellbeing, and took copious notes from my research – which later would become part of my book, Bone by Bone.

What could I do to help others? The book is meant for anyone or even just one person who finds it helpful. In many ways, if no one needs it, that’s even better but if it can impact one life, then I know it was worth it. All proceeds from Bone by Bone are being donated to non-profit organizations that support trauma professionals and survivors.